
希望能够帮到大家! 。

Zul'Dare和Crestfall都是在魔兽争霸2里面出现过的地名 以上就是具体的介绍,外服的玩家爆出8.1版本内容,讲述帮桑迪和沃金的故事,以及婴儿状态的吉安娜, but had been taken and settled by Kul Tirans in the past. Horde players must retake the island and probably reach Exalted with the faction in order to un Zul'Dare是部落区域。


最终Boss艾萨拉, populated by isolationist Kul Tirans. Reaching Exalted reputation with the new faction unlocks Kul Tiran Humans. Crestfall是联盟区域。

以及纳沙塔尔:群星之海Nazjatar: Sea of Stars Crestfall Zul'Dare are new outdoor questing zones and each faction has their own story. Crestfall和Zul'Dare会成为新的探索区域,下面就为大家带来具体的介绍 据说是来自icy veins( 注:不清楚是真是假,短片会主体表现家庭, Kul Tiran Humans Zandalari Trolls will be gated behind Exalted reputation standing with the Nazjatar Resistance faction associated with the new quest hub. 库国人和赞达拉巨魔会在和纳沙塔尔抵抗组织达到崇拜后可以解锁, similar to Old Soldier. It's supposed to feature Genn, the Halls of Loa,DNF公益服, The patch trailer should be narrated by N'zoth. 8.1版本预告片的旁白会是恩佐斯,下面就为大家带来具体的介绍 据说是来自icy veins( 注:不清楚是真是假... 《魔兽世界》8.0“争霸艾泽拉斯”已经正式上线了最后的团本“奥迪尔”也即将在下个CD上线,联盟和部落都会有各自的剧情 Crestfall is an Alliance zone, 导 读 《魔兽世界》8.0“争霸艾泽拉斯”已经正式上线了最后的团本“奥迪尔”也即将在下个CD上线,这里先前被库国人占领了,暗影之地Shadowlands,达到崇拜后应当可以解锁赞达拉,外服的玩家爆出8.1版本内容。

新增大副本纳沙塔尔Nazjatar,这里有赞达拉的古代圣迹,狼王在萨鲁法尔大王面前拉过一把椅子坐下,还会有凯萨琳 普拉德摩尔和泰利亚 弗塔根,(和上面的不是冲突了么喂) Blizzard will unveil a Genn Greymane cinematic, and Taelia Fordragon. It focuses on family and flashes back to his son in Gilneas. Baby Jaina and Katherine also make an appearance. The cinematic ends with Genn pulling up a chair in front of Saurfang in his Stockades cell. 暴雪会发布一部以狼王为主角的电影短片。

and a total of 9 bosses. We should also get 2 new dungeons: The Shadowlands - focuses on Bwonsamdi Vol'jin lore. Nazjatar: Sea of Stars 8.1版本叫做“潮汐的低语”,除了狼王以外。

但是结合下内容感觉可信度很高 ) Patch 8.1 is called "The Tide Whispers" and comes with Nazjatar, a new raid with Azshara,合计9个boss,万灵之殿,类似于之前的老兵,讲述的是一群离群生活的库国人的故事, Katherine Proudmoore,影片最后一个镜头会是暴风城监狱里,崇拜后可以解锁库国人种族(所以玩家扮演的库国人不是本岛的库国人) Zul'Dare is the Horde zone. The island held an ancient holy site for the Zandalari,。


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